We're a proud ITSM and Cloud Specialised, global award-winning, Atlassian Platinum Partner working with clients across Asia Pacific to deliver remarkable and people-centric solutions that unlock efficiency and productivity for our customers.

Optimise your Atlassian licensing spend now! We'll make sure you’re not paying for licenses you don’t need by identifying users consuming licenses who shouldn’t be, and marketplace apps that could be replaced by native functionality.
We save our customers money all the time - learn how much we saved Zip here

Solution Design
Our solution design process is unique and hugely powerful. Let us wow you before committing to a full-scale implementation.
By starting with a business problem rather than a solution, you get very different outcomes. We'll start with the smallest possible engagement and work together to get a deep understanding of the problem and the current tech stack in place.
Our approach combines our extensive knowledge of Atlassian tools with practical insights gained from navigating complex challenges across various highly regulated industries. We don't make any assumptions and we take you on the journey every step of the way to make sure the solution design we come up with is truly fit for purpose.
At the end, you'll not only have a solution, but a statement of work that details the expected activities, timeline and costs to implement what we've proposed. There's no guarantee that you'll engage us to deliver the solution, but we're confident you'll want to.

Implementation & Integration
Whether you're deploying new Atlassian tooling or extending the capabilities of what you already have, this is where we bring your Solution Design to life.
Where the solution is stand-alone this can be relatively straightforward, but equally where it involves integration with existing ERP systems or other pieces of architecture, the complexity can be substantial. Either way, we have the skills to deliver.
We're acutely aware of the costs of creating and maintaining software solutions, so we are careful to design and build only what's needed, and deliver solutions that can be maintained and supported easily by your team or ours.
We'll of course provide the licensing, training, data migration and support necessary to make sure it delivers the value we agreed on.

The world of tooling is changing rapidly and we're here to help you navigate it. Whether it's migrating from Atlassian's on-prem solutions to Atlassian Cloud or migrating from other tools to the Atlassian Suite, our migration skills are unmatched.
As always, we start with a Solution Design exercise to make sure we truly understand the problem and all of the nested issues that are invariably hidden within it.
You can then lean on our team's experience and expertise to navigate complex requirements, reduce risk and downtime, and avoid unnecessary costs. Migrations are rarely straightforward but we pride ourselves on making them easy for our clients.
Naturally, we'll handle the licensing, and provide the training, post-release hypercare and support to make sure the migration delivers the value we agreed on.

Everyone knows SaaS subscriptions can be a challenge to manage and costs can quickly get out of control. This is where we can help.
It takes a significant and regular investment of time to be across features, integrations, suitability, alternatives and pricing for each product. Using tools developed over time for this exact job, we quickly analyse your license usage to make sure what you have is what you need, and you're getting the most features for the lowest possible cost.
As a Platinum Partner we're able to procure licenses for you and can often save you money. The savings can be substantial and our goal is to offset all of our costs to provide you with a positive ROI.
If you think you're paying for licenses you're not using, or you want to save money on new licenses, please get in touch.